My Biggest Sin

People usually comment on my “holiness” and oppa’s (my brother) going off on a completely different direction.

So I wanted to write this to say that I was worse off than my oppa; going off on a completely different direction from holiness. The only reason I’m standing here with an intimate relationship with Abba is because of His grace.

Ever since I can remember, I learned “you shouldn’t, steal, lie, drink, smoke, or have sex before marriage” at church. And I realize that for me, these things were never actually a temptation. So I remember thinking, ‘But.. I don’t steal, I don’t lie. I like telling the truth. Drinking and smoking just sounds stupid because you are harming your own body. Sex before marriage doesn’t make sense because you are risking too many things for the sake of momentary pleasure.’

But I also heard at church that we ALL sinned. So in my child-teenage mind, I realized I couldn’t say “I don’t sin”, yet I couldn’t identify myself with any of the ‘standard-child/teenage-sins’ nor did I feel tempted to try them out. So I panicked because I couldn’t think of a single way in which I sinned. After sermons and Bible studies, I went through the list: did I steal? Lie? Drink? Smoke? Nope. None of the above. But, I must have sinned somehow! But.. it’s not on the list. Does that mean I didn’t sin and have nothing to repent about?!

And because I couldn’t see how I sinned at all, this is how I entered a more dangerous realm of sin: the Pharisee’s World of Sin. My sins were easily hidden because they weren’t visibly obvious.

I was proud, judging, and without mercy on others and myself. I was miserable. I was like the Pharisees: I judged, I was proud, I was without joy, but on the outside I was a “good” girl.

Being a Pharisee is a wider road of perdition compared to that of the prostitute, the sick, the orphans… because the lowly are closer to acknowledging the need of a Savior in the midst of their apparent neediness. A Pharisee thinks he’s abiding by the law and looks great on the outside, and doesn’t see the need of a Savior.

It is the Prodigal Son’s brother who didn’t understand nor embrace the father’s heart until the end. The brother thought he had to slave away for his father in order for him to treat him well and give him his inheritance; not knowing that all along, his father wanted to freely give and share everything with him.

Have you thought of how sad it is to have your own son misinterpret you and tell you “I’ve been slaving away for you”?

I was that brother.

I was Martha.

So close to Jesus yet not understanding nor receiving the love and care he was so freely giving to those who asked; to those who stopped to listen.

Our biggest sin is not lying, having sex outside of marriage, drinking excessively, smoking, stealing.

Our biggest sin is our relational separation from Abba. Every sin flows from that broken relationship.

By God’s grace, His law is now written in my heart. I am filled with joy and am constantly humbled by His mercy. I can’t judge myself or others as I did before because God has revealed to me my sin and His grace. If my Creator doesn’t judge me, who am I to judge?

There is no one, whether the ‘holy kid at church’ or the ‘trouble kid at church’, that is righteous; all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and all are justified freely by his grace through redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Lovely calligraphy of my favorite Bible verse done by my housemate. (Matthew 6:33-34)

Random Things That Make Me Happy

“Get better soon!” But.. What about Now?

People wish me to get better soon. I do too.

But there’s no one to just be in the midst of my sickness with me. (I don’t even mean that I need someone to nurse me and take care of me in my sickness.)

I mean that there’s no one to just be there with me through it.

*Very advanced mind connection about to happen with something that has nothing to do with my physical sickness*

Perhaps this is what I’ve been missing when I listen to other people’s struggles: to listen to the hurt beyond the words. And be with them in the moment. To see their “sickness”, and while hoping for their healing, not making that desire overshadow the person I have currently in front of me.

To break it down:

People want to see healthy Eli soon. I do too.

But right now, I’m sick, sleepless, confused Eli.

“Oh, Eli, how sick are you? Are you ok? Is there anything you need? Have you gone to the hospital? What did they say?”

I don’t know how sick I am. All I know is that my doctor suggested I get hospitalized twice and I rejected the notion twice (because quite a few people told me that Korean doctors just tell you to get hospitalized for no apparent reason). I know that what I have is called tonsillitis and bronchitis (as a complication of my tonsillitis). But even more basic than this, all I know is that my throat hurts and I am spitting tons of phlegm and my breathing is a bit lagged. These are the realities I know.

I do want to get well soon and I am thankful for the millions of suggestions of what I should eat, drink, how I should rest, how I should move, what I should do, what I should not do… but I’d just like someone to see and acknowledge sick Eli: just as I am. Not bright nor useful nor pretty. Just sick Eli. I’m not sure what I mean by this, but in my sickeness, I’d like to just be seen. And maybe just be kept company. Like, just hold my hand and be still.


I hope and pray I won’t forget these thoughts the next time I see someone physically or emotionally ill. Because the hurting and aching in the world sometimes just need a silent companion to acknowledge their current existence and their importance at that very moment.