My Eggs Are Dying… But…

Some years ago, someone kept telling my cousin she looked quite young for her age as a compliment. She replied, “Yes, sure, but my eggs are dying.”

And whenever my girl friends try to console me about my unfulfilled desire to be married by telling me, “There’s time” or “You look like you’re in your 20’s,” I always reply, “Yeah, but my eggs are dying.” And we half laugh/half are sad about it (ģ›ƒķ””).

I may look younger than my 34-going-on-35 years of age…

but every day that passes by,

my eggs are dying…


every day that passes by is…

a day closer to seeing Jesus face to face.


This realization came as I was meditating on God’s Word one random morning. And it’s been comforting my soul the deepest lately. The fact that each day that I wake up and more of my eggs will inevitably die (ho hum) because I’m tied down to this physical realm will not change. But also the fact that each day that I wake up, I’m one step closer to seeing my Savior, the Head of the Body face to face–to receive the fullness of His love without the sin that so easily entangles distorting anything–will not change either. The one may represent temporarily unfulfilled desires, but the latter represents a sure hope I have for all eternity.

So, my eggs may be dying, but I’m also joyful knowing every day that passes by is one day closer to seeing Jesus face to face.

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